How to Detox Your Body and Lose Weight Naturally with David Wolfe
James Colquhoun

Meet David Wolfe, or as he's more commonly known, David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe. David is a raw foodist, promoter of alternative medicine, entrepreneur, and spokesman for NutriBullet. David has nearly 22 years of dedicated nutrition experience and has hosted over 2,750 live events. He has led the environmental charge for radiant health via a positive mental attitude, eco-community building, living spring water, and the best-ever quality organic foods and herbs. In this exclusive FMTV interview, James Colquhoun chats with David Wolfe about what 'A Day In The Life' entails for him.

Moderator: James Colquhoun
In den Hauptrollen: James Colquhoun, David Wolfe