Imposter Syndrome
Natasha Taylor & Sophie Fox

This Imposter Syndrome guided meditation and hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who constantly experience feeling like they don’t fit their role.

Please make sure you have listened to our introduction video at the start of this series to help understand how guided meditation and hypnotherapy works and all the benefits it can bring. Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? Like your friends or colleagues are going to discover you’re a fraud, and you don’t actually deserve your job and accomplishments? If so, you’re in good company. These feelings are known as impostor syndrome, or what psychologists often call impostor phenomenon. An estimated 70% of people experience these impostor feelings at some point in their lives. The audio will help you to focus on your strengths and successes, so you keep a positive internal dialogue to improve your self-confidence and self-belief. We recommend that you listen to our session at least four times so you can really compound the positive messaging, override the old beliefs and help your mind create new neural pathways to having more self-belief.

Moderator: Natasha Taylor & Sophie Fox