John Rush on Mushrooms in Christian Art

John Rush, author of Mushrooms in Christian Art, discusses the human desire to alter consciousness in a culture under stress, and says that there is evidence that mushrooms have had far greater significance in our spiritual awakening than has been previously attributed.

In this fascinating interview, John talks about the origins of the “Jesus experiencing”, being derived from mushrooms and that Jesus doesn’t get written into the biblical texts until a much later time. He also touches on the Santa Claus myth actually being a visit from the local Shaman on the Winter Solstice.

John A. Rush, Ph.D., is Professor of Anthropology at Sierra College, Rocklin, California, teaching Physical Anthropology and Magic, Witchcraft, Myth, and Religion. Dr. Rush is also a retired Clinical Anthropologist and Medical Hypnotherapist in private practice from 1972 to 2008.

Moderator: Regina Meredith
In den Hauptrollen: John Rush