Lilou Talks with Drunvalo Melchizedek
Lilou Mace

Continuing her Juicy Living Tour USA, Lilou Mace joins Drunvalo Melchizedek among the vortexes of the Sedona landscape to discuss the coming shift and how it will affect humanity. Drunvalo reveals the various dimensions of existence and the coexistence of humans and angels. The truth of it is unbelievable, but it will set you free.

Secrets hidden in Peru and in the ancient Mayan calendar indicate a coming shift in human consciousness. It heralds the end of this universe and a transcendence into another level of existence - in the 145th dimension.

Drunvalo explains that ancient aliens and ascended masters have already influenced the lineages of humanity to ensure our continued survival. To better facilitate this transition, he offers an ancient technique for uniting the heart and brain. Learning to live from your heart is needed in order to connect with your new life. It is already in your DNA.

Moderator: Lilou Mace
In den Hauptrollen: Drunvalo Melchizedek