A Medium for the Living with Paul Selig

As a clairaudient and empath, Paul Selig has the unique ability to channel the people his clients ask about. This is not about fixing problems or finding resolution. Rather it is about coming into an understanding of what is going on and uncovering the truth. Tune it to hear answers from the other side as Paul demonstrates his unique form of channeling in this interview with George Noory.

Paul Selig, author of the Book of Mastery, received his master’s degree from Yale and served on the faculty of New York University for over 25 years. During a spiritual experience in 1987, he discovered his clairvoyant abilities. Described as “a medium for the living,” Paul also has the unique ability to step-into and "become" the people his clients ask about. He is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today.

Moderator: George Noory
In den Hauptrollen: Paul Selig