PMS and Mood Swings
Dr. Kyrin Dunston MD

Master your menstrual harmony by unraveling the causes of PMS with Dr. Kyrin Dunston MD

In this lesson, Dr. Kyrin Dunston, MD supports you with:

✓ Gaining crystal-clear insights into the multifaceted causes of PMS, delving into the physiological and hormonal aspects that contribute to the discomfort you may be experiencing and the complex landscape of PMS triggers to equip you with the knowledge to address them. ✓ Reducing PMS symptoms and managing mood swings through discovering holistic strategies combining lifestyle adjustments, nutritional support, and mind-body practices. ✓ Taking corrective measures to restore harmony by understanding the hormonal imbalances at play during your menstrual cycle, allowing Dr. Kyrin Dunston MD. to guide you through.

Reclaim control over your menstrual health to break free from the notion that common equals normal, helping you to embrace a life free from chronic menstrual pain.

Home play: • Choose 2 of the strategies that contribute to PMS and make an effort to modify your lifestyle to bring things into more balance • Do this for seven days and document what you notice

Moderator: Dr. Kyrin Dunston, MD