Spiritual Principles to Guide Your Life with Connie Kaplan

Each of us wears an invisible garment, woven with spiritual principles that connect us with each other and to something far greater. In this interview with Regina Meredith, Connie Kaplan explores many of these spiritual principles, how they are expressed through our actions and manifest in our world. These principles shape how we interact within important relationships, like marriage and parenting. They are also a reflection of our innate nature and the soul’s purpose in this life.

Raised in Texas as a minister's daughter, spirituality has always been an important foundation for Connie Kaplan’s life. As a career choice, she went into television production and worked as a free-lance script supervisor and an associate director. After she was suddenly struck with a mysterious virus, she experienced a profound spiritual transformation which altered not only her inner experience of life, but her outer expression of life as well.

Moderator: Regina Meredith
In den Hauptrollen: Connie Kaplan