Step into the Circle Extended

"Step Into the Circle" with Mara Branscombe is a 75 minute practice for yogis looking to ground, breathe, and get fluid. Move through guided breath work and a vinyasa practice that will bring you into your body and allow you to awaken and feel connected. Find your flow, soak in your breath, and connect to all parts of yourself as if you are stepping into the circle of your life.This classes uses energy movement and breath exercises designed to release stress; these exercises are amazing for getting grounded, present, and clear. There is a focus on opening hips, heart, and back. Contraindications: Pregnancy--no twists and no inversions. Modify the level of the pose according to your body and level of experience. You may need a foam block or pillow for some portions of this class, including the seated meditation at the beginning. filmed at Inform Interiors

Lehrer: Mara Branscombe