The Stillness Is You: Whispering the Mystery with Deepak Chopra

Have you ever tried to train a puppy? Our minds are like puppies, constantly reacting to things within and around us. When recording these tracks, Deepak Chopra described an essential quality that can help us to cultivate inner and outer fulfillment by saying that “It’s essential to recognize that who you truly are is not that person who is constantly in reaction. You are the stillness between your thoughts.”

As you breathe with this short film, you can experience that “witness within” who finds stillness in the midst of just about anything. Strengthening that into a cultivated practice through meditation can help you to not only come home to yourself, but as Gandhi once said, you can “become the change you wish to see in the world.”

Deepak Chopra is the author of more than fifty books translated into over thirty-five languages, heralded by Time magazine as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.”

In den Hauptrollen: Deepak Chopra