The Early Mapping & Builder Race
Brad Olsen

The Piri Reis map, drawn in 1513, accurately depicts the Central and South American coasts. The appended notes say, "the map of the western lands drawn by Columbus." It also shows a string of islands off the Antarctica coast — a continent not even discovered until 1821. So, how could it depict islands that are deep under the ice and only now being discovered?

Considering these islands were only exposed before the last Ice Age, the Piri Reis Map is likely drawn from a source map between 17,000 and 12,000 years old, making the case for it being Prediluvian.

One of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world is how the massive 70-ton megalithic blocks of pre-Inca South America were moved and expertly locked into place. Could it be the lost art of using cold plasma to shape the megalithic stones? Or employing the forgotten science of auditive levitation to move the massive blocks into position?

Moderator: Brad Olsen