Transcendent Truths with Howard Bloom

Astounding advancements in everyday technology are causing the brains of our children to develop in ways we could never imagine. However, they are stuck in the same states of discontent that we have been trapped in for decades. Howard Bloom calls for us to transcend our stagnant truths with a unified vision of pursuing new levels of technological advancements that will ensure continued increases in life expectancy and IQ for future generations in this interview with George Noory.

Howard Bloom specializes in a field he calls mass behavior. After graduating magna cum laude from NYU in 1968, he turned down four graduate fellowships in clinical psychology to infiltrate the highest levels of pop culture. Now, he studies the mass movements of everything from quarks and stars to bacteria, tall tales, and television plots to uncover what he calls, “the dark underbelly of mass emotion.”

Moderator: George Noory
In den Hauptrollen: Howard Bloom