Understand the Emotional Body
Bill Mckenna

Bill Mckenna, the visionary Founder of the Cognomovement Systems, illuminates the path to liberate yourself from deeply ingrained emotional patterns.

In this insightful lesson, you are guided through a neuro-emotional experience, providing you with the tools to break free from the core patterning embedded in your emotional body.

✓ Expand your awareness of the symbiotic connection between your eyes, brain, body, nervous system, and subconscious mind, gaining a comprehensive understanding of their interplay in shaping your emotions. ✓ Discover the power of identifying a core limiting sensation and its accompanying emotion, empowering you to release decades of emotional suffering. ✓ Recognize that the nervous system is the key to genuine and enduring change, providing you with the tools to unlock a new chapter of emotional well-being.

Bill Mckenna's guidance opens the gateway to liberation, offering a profound opportunity for self-discovery and healing.

Home play • Focus your attention on abundance, and observe the sensations that arise within your body. • Utilize this approach to release stagnant energy, allowing for an expansion into a state of prosperity.

Moderator: Bill Mckenna