Unwinding After a Busy Day
Natasha Taylor & Sophie Fox

This Unwinding After A Busy Day meditation & hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who need help relaxing and releasing tension after a busy day.

Please make sure you have listened to our introduction video at the start of this series to help understand how guided meditation and hypnotherapy works and all the benefits it can bring. After a hectic or stressful, long hard day at home or at work, the first and most important thing you need to do is relax. If you find it hard to unwind then your stress will carry over to the next day and your mind will get into the routine of being in this heightened state of stress which will ultimately start to affect your state of mind, decision making, sleep and health. This session will help you relieve some of the pressures and tensions that may have been building up throughout the day, so you can release any stress, slow your mind and wind down. We recommend that you listen to our session at least four times so you can really compound the positive messaging, override the old beliefs and help your mind create new neural pathways so you can feel instantly calm and relaxed and start the next day feeling refreshed.

Moderator: Natasha Taylor & Sophie Fox