Walk On: A Revelation on the Journey of Life with Jyoti

Overviewing one’s life as a story creates a new perspective, allowing us to recognize our accomplishments and challenges, and come to closure more easily with our loved ones. It’s especially helpful for people who have felt disconnected from the earth, or who could benefit from a more loving self-acceptance.

In storytelling style, this message evokes the long journey of the soul, through trials and tribulations, through awareness and spiritual growth, until finally surrendering into the “arms of the Mother.” It acknowledges the role of Nature as a guide on our journey, of pain as a teacher of compassion, and time as a healer of family wounds.

Jyoti (Jeneane Prevatt, Ph.D.) holds sacred her Cherokee lineage. She teaches indigenous spiritual practices that evoke a state of prayer and healing.

In den Hauptrollen: Jyoti