Yoga for Athletes
Andrea Marcum

Join Andrea Marcum and Pixie Acia, a Soul Cycle superstar with the aches and pains to prove it. As an athlete, whether you're too tight or intimidated to practice yoga, here’s a straightforward, approachable sequence that will help loosen up those of us who are feeling inflexible and performance-driven. It's the recipe for freedom when cycling, running, cross-fit training (you name it) has us feeling locked up. There are no pretzel poses or acrobatic booby traps, just badly needed psoas and hip flexor stretches and shoulder girdle and thoracic spine openers for our explosive training friends. This video is part of our Yoga for Athletes Guide. Contraindications: Competition is a huge part of athletic performance. It is not, however, part of a yoga practice. It’s super important to use the props recommended during this video, and to surrender carefully into the stretches, not bounce or force. Presence of mind will help you stay safe in the poses and will ultimately up your game too. Enjoy finding efficiency and clarity without the burden of expectation or ego. Please have a couple of blocks and something to pad your knees with for this class. We need to create plenty of stability as we encourage our mobility. Featuring music by Zamir Dhanji and Temmy Lewis

Lehrer: Andrea Marcum