Ashok Gangadean on the Philosophy of our Global Vision

Regina Meredith and professor Ashok Gangadean discuss The World Wisdom Council, and viewing the world through different lenses.

Professor Ashok Gangadean has developed deep dialog, a method of communication that helps individuals and world governments see through the lens of a stranger with differing views, to identify common desires and create genuine communication and compassion.

Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College, Founder-Director of the Global Dialogue Institute, host of an Emmy-nominated television show, Ashok Gangadean has published several books on global reason, global philosophy, and dialogue and is co-convener of the World Commission on Global Consciousness & Spirituality, which brings eminent world leaders together in sustained deep dialogue to cultivate global vision and wisdom for the new millennium.

Anfitrión: Regina Meredith
Con la participación de: Ashok Gangadean