Berry Smoothie Bowl

Hugo & Rangi love going to the local Acai Bowl shop for a smoothie bowl after swimming in the ocean or going for a surf.

The Acai berry is what gives the frozen smoothie bowl it's deep purple color and sweet bitter flavor. Though it's not always easy to buy and source, Laurentine and the boys like to DIY their own acai bowls at home using frozen berries.

This recipe is all up to personal preference, Rangi & Hugo like the consistency of the blend to be thicker like ice-cream but you can decide for yourself by adding in more of your plant-based milk of choice into the blender to change the consistency.

Today the trio added fresh mango, papaya, and dehydrated buckwheat on top but you can add whatever you like; kiwi fruit, goji berries, cacao nibs, nuts, seeds, or banana.


(use organic ingredients where possible)

  • 2 - 3 frozen bananas
  • ½  cup frozen mixed berries
  • ½ - 1 cup coconut milk or plant-based milk of your choice 
  • Sliced mango & papaya  
  • Dehydrated buckwheat sprinkles


  1. Add banana, berries, and a little bit of coconut milk to the blender and blend until smooth. 
  2. Add more coconut milk gradually until you've reached your preferred consistency. 
  3. Scoop into a bowl and top with, mango, papaya, and dehydrated buckwheat. 
  4. Enjoy!