Building a World that Works for All with Pierre Pradervand
Lilou Macé

The socioeconomic model that dominates much of the world is not sustainable and all of us are feeling the effects of its imminent demise. Accepting moments of grace and a willingness to experience spirituality in all things can change everything for everybody. Pierre Pradervand explains how we can build a world that works for all or we will soon have a world that works for nobody in this interview with Lilou Macé.

Pierre Pradervand has worked for decades in personal development and social justice. His impressive career includes work on nearly every continent. As a speaker and workshop facilitator, Pierre often gives talks on how to live a more enriched and contented life. In his workshops, he provides personal development tools that empower everyone to find and strengthen their internal anchors.

Anfitrión: Lilou Macé
Con la participación de: Pierre Pradervand