Day 10: Detox Day 1
Doug Swenson

Today in the Cleanse: Detox Challenge Day 1

Only fruits, vegetables, and two tablespoons of healthy oils are on the menu today. By giving your digestive system a rest, other organs in your body have a chance to heal. Gift yourself the opportunity to become quiet and feel what wisdom and emotions bubble to the surface. This practice of inward contemplation is known as svadhyaya (self study).

Cleanse Overview: Cleanse Packet:

Today’s Yoga’s Practice: Yoga Admires the Body Cleanse

Today and tomorrow your yoga mat and your journal will be your best allies. Doug Swenson take us further along the cleanse journey with a nurturing practice and tools for your transformation. Slow it down, tune in, and breathe.


Today ✓ Drink a Green Smoothie ✓ Drink Water X No sugar X No caffeine or alcohol X No gluten or soy X No dairy or eggs ✓ Fruits, vegetables and 2 Tbsp of healthy oils only ✓ Find 46 minutes to complete today's yoga practice

Tomorrow ✓ Continue cleansing! ✓ Optional: liquids only! (Soup, juice, smoothies, broth)

Profesor: Doug Swenson