Day 9: Listen to the Detox

Today in the Cleanse: Listen to the Detox

Feeling cruddy? Good – it’s working! Now that you’re eating clean, your body is detoxing from all that dirty stuff you were feeding it before. Recognize the symptoms of detox, and learn some tips for how to care for your body during this time.

Cleanse Overview: Cleanse Packet:

Today’s Yoga Practice: Fire Flow How do we stick with it when the going gets tough? Yoga philosophy teaches the concept of “abhyasa” which is dedicated, disciplined practice pursued against all odds. The payoff? Confidence and elimination of whatever keeps us from being the best we can be. Get after it with this fiery tapas practice with Clara Roberts-Oss and unveil the beauty and power that is truly YOU.

ACTION STEPS Today> ✓ Drink a Green Smoothie ✓ Drink water X No sugar X No caffeine or alcohol X No gluten or soy X No dairy or eggs ✓ Find just 19 minutes to complete today’s yoga practice

Tomorrow ✓ Fruits, vegetables and 2 Tbsp of healthy oils only

Profesor: Clara Roberts-Oss