Dream State & Rescripting Reality

What if our dreams are expressions of future memory?

Déjà rêvé, translated from French, means already dreamed. According to Theresa Cheung, an expert decoder of dreams, when we feel like we’ve done something before that’s because we have — in our dreams.

“Your dream journal is the most sensational book you’ll ever read,” says Cheung. She discusses with Regina Meredith how writing down our dreams unlocks access to non-linear space and time. Drawing on an unprecedented volume of research on the dream state during lockdown, Cheung cites evidence of collective precognition and retrocausality. She shares that dreams are a neglected manifestation tool treasured for millennia by royalty and military leaders. Cheung describes how our dream state offers a safe way to shape our unconscious by rescripting nightmares and rehearsing threats as part of shadow work.

Anfitrión: Regina Meredith
Con la participación de: Theresa Cheung