Ebola, another Potential Pandemic? with Gary Ridenour

SARS and the Avian Flu were touted as pandemics with the potential to collapse our way of life. That is, until politics and economics got involved. Now, as reports of Ebola begin to wane from news reports, our suspicions are renewed as to the actual danger posed by this potential pandemic. Gary Ridenour discusses the extent of the current Ebola outbreak, what the U.S. government is doing about it and what it would take to halt the spread of infection in this interview with George Noory.

Dr. Gary C. Ridenour has been practicing medicine for 39 years after graduating from the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in 1975. He practices medicine in Fallon, NV and specializes in General Practice and Internal Medicine. Dr. Ridenour speaks English and Spanish.

Anfitrión: George Noory
Con la participación de: Gary Ridenour