Encounters With Norse Land Spirits

Is it possible that we have access to Will, known as “Orlog,” awaiting our inquiry to discover our natural talent and answer why we are here?

Norse mystic and paranormal trainer Kaedrich Olsen returns to Open Minds to share with Regina Meredith his perspective on Norse beliefs and his recent experiences at a Viking village in Norway. When Olsen attended the conference “Awaken the Viking,” he interacted with dwarves in stone White Caves, witnessed giant faces frozen in mountains towering above fjords, as well as encountered Loki, the shadow-worker of gods — who brings toxicity to light for healing.

Olsen has worked with runes since childhood and shares his understanding that the staves are universal mysteries and not tools of divination. While in Norway, he connected with his guides, called “The Whisperers,” who provided context to what Olsen calls the starseed wound from past eras.

Anfitrión: Regina Meredith
Con la participación de: Kaedrich Olsen