Fiona Ramsey on KIVA and Micro-loans

Kiva offers and answer to the often frustrating question of how one person can make a difference in the world. Kiva is a San Francisco-based organization who puts people in touch with those in developing nations who need a helping hand to start, save or expand their business. In many cases a sum as little as $100 is the difference between a thriving business and allowing someone to care for their family, or becoming a beggar on the street.

Fiona Ramsey is the Public Relations Director for the non-profit micro-finance organization KIVA. In this interview, shot in their busy office in San Francisco, she shares how the amount someone in the Western world would spend on a night out, will literally offer a whole new life to someone in the developing nations. Fiona explains that the beauty of KIVA is that it allows each donor to directly impact another person in a way that is so meaningful that the lender feels as grateful for the opportunity as the recipient does, half way around the world.

Anfitrión: Regina Meredith
Con la participación de: Fiona Ramsey