Foster Gamble on the Thrive Movement

Not all conspiracy theories about the new world are fake. When Foster Gamble, an heir to the Procter and Gamble fortune, became aware of the truth as to how the people of the planet have been controlled by the ruling elite, he and his wife, Kimberly Carter Gamble, dedicated themselves to creating a cohesive film. It is a story of the potential of human beings, the quashing of that potential, and ending with the call for recovering our thriving world through activism. Called Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take?, the film has already had more than two million views around the world. The purpose behind the Thrive movie is to highlight the problem areas and create a solution strategy to navigate through the coming times. It offers promising possibilities for creating a world in which nobody’s rights are violated and every person has the opportunity to thrive. Watch the full-length documentary Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? Follow us down the rabbit hole and find out.

Anfitrión: Regina Meredith
Con la participación de: Foster Gamble