Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing

In challenging times, how can we attune and ground ourselves to the healing energy of Earth? As a speaker and mystery school teacher, Blu shares the story of her awakening journey transforming her profound hearing loss into her greatest gift.

By directing her energy inward through the use of the Gene Keys modality, Blu discovered her extrasensory perceptions to read the energy of others, and now guides women to understand their intuitive gifts to balance the planet’s masculine and feminine energies. She discusses her experiences with the psychedelic Ayahuasca, and the songs of the Shipibo people that help to activate the plant medicine’s power to clear energetic fields and understand our potential for beauty, love, and unity.

Blu is the founder of Florescence, a modern mystery school for women, and hosts the DeJa Blu podcast.

Anfitrión: George Noory
Con la participación de: Blu