How to Live a Longer, Happier & More Purposeful Life with John Robbins

Join James Colquhoun in this exclusive interview as he chats with John Robbins, author of Diet For A New America and co-founder of The Food Revolution Network with his son Ocean Robbins. The pair discuss how John has become a trailblazer in the wellness industry, how he turned away from his destined path of running his family’s multi-million dollar business and how he maintained his integrity to live a longer, happier and a more purposeful life. In this interview, you will learn:

  • How John became a Trailblazer in the health in wellness industry
  • About John’s upbringing and what lead him to discover a path of wellness
  • How he came to terms with walking away from the life his parents pathed for him
  • The emotional journey of turning away from financial security
  • How to live in respect of yourself and others
  • How John closed the loop with his father
  • The historical disconnect of the American Diet
Con la participación de: John Robbins