Jean Houston on our Personal Mythology

Jean Houston has lived a mythic life, which is not surprisingly, the title of one of the 26 books she has authored on the subject of Human Development and Mythology. Her early years put her in contact with Margaret Mead, Helen Keller, Einstein and others, all of who served to push her out into the world as a leading thinker of our times. In this candid interview she shares her most profound moments of awakening and her depths of humiliation that came from a working relationship with Hilary Clinton. Mostly she shares how the world is now waking up in unison.

While her life could easily have led her to the world of show business, a profound experience piqued her curiosity as to who the identity of the great intelligence within each of us is. Today she is a scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, one of the principal (EU/Asia/Aus/NZ) founders of the Human Potential Movement.

Anfitrión: Regina Meredith
Con la participación de: Jean Houston