Laura Alden Kamm on Being a Medical Intuitive

Known as the Walking MRI for her ability to see into the human body, Laura Alden Kamm discusses her awakening, her gift and her ability to teach others to be able to do the same. While attending Indiana State University in 1982, Laura’s life was transformed when she awoke one morning with a searing pain in her head. Within 11 days she was totally blind. Several hours later, she died in an ambulance.

Laura crossed over to the Other Side and had an extraordinary near-death experience. She recovered, partially blind and with a rare and precise gift of inner sight. She described to her neurosurgeon how she physically saw particles and ribbons of colors within and around everything, to which he replied, “Laura, it will be 100 years before Western science finds out what really happened to you.”

Anfitrión: Regina Meredith
Con la participación de: Laura Alden Kamm