Making Friends With Discomfort
Sah D'Simone

Journey into the interconnectedness and liberation with Sah D'Simone as he guides you through the profound understanding that your freedom ripples out to impact all beings.

In this enlightening lesson, you will: ✓ Experience the transformative power of leaning into discomfort, allowing it to be a catalyst for growth, healing, and ultimately liberation. ✓ Feel empowered to respond with compassion and wisdom by gaining insights into the importance of pausing and making a conscious choice to refrain from perpetuating suffering. ✓ Make a vow to not run away from discomfort or challenging emotions and welcome this commitment as a powerful catalyst for personal growth, transformation, and the liberation of all beings.

Learn how your devotion to sitting with discomfort, making conscious choices, and refraining from running away can ripple out to create positive change and liberation for yourself and all beings.

Home play: • Next time you experience discomfort practice being with it, communicating with your body, and asking it what it needs.

Anfitrión: Sah D'Simone