Matthew and Terces Engelhart on Café Gratitude

The convergent paths that Matthew and Terces Engelhart took to form a unique establishment where staff are viewed as family and commit to a year program while customers are treated to incredible raw organic food and an experience that is unmatched. The original product was a board game. After they had the board game they wanted a place for people to play it, so they started the café.

Café Gratitude (now in several locations) is the love child of Matthew and Terces and is the culmination of a lifetime of conscious living. It is their expression of a world of plenty. Food and people are a celebration of their aliveness and they select the finest organic ingredients to honor the earth and their customers, as they believe that we are all one and the same.

Anfitrión: Regina Meredith
Con la participación de: Matthew Engelhart,Terces Engelhart