Ngaligumerra: We Are One

We Are One takes you on a journey of self discovery and reconnection with both the natural world, as well as the inner core of our being through the teachings of Spiritual Teacher and Cultural Educator Isira. Isira’s ability to put deep Indigenous and universal wisdom in simple language that is understood by people of all cultures is the key to reconnect us to our roots with Country (Mother Earth), with each other (kinship), with our Self (spirit), and the Cosmos (universal lores).

Captured in breathtaking cinematography, the film is an immersive experience that transports the audience to the sacred connections held by the ancient indigenous people of Australia. Ngaligumerra – We Are One, is a film that will reinstate and give new light to Indigenous Australian wisdom, and unites us all in this knowing.

Con la participación de: Aunty Jinta (Isira)