Norm Shealy on Pain Management
Lisa Garr

Here’s your chance to discover natural ways to relieve pain — even elevate your mood — with neurosurgeon Dr. Norm Shealy, who has been developing safe, effective pain management techniques since the 1960s. In a fascinating conversation, Lisa Garr and Dr. Shealy discuss his pioneering work in holistic health, pain management and the emerging field of energy medicine. Dr. Shealy explains his “Five Rings” approach to health, and shows us how to use tapping, an acupressure technique to reduce pain and boost feel-good neurochemicals. The founding president of Holos University Graduate Seminary, Dr. Shealy holds 14 patents in the field of energy medicine, and has published 28 books and more than 300 articles. His most recent book is Energy Medicine, the Future of Health.

Anfitrión: Lisa Garr
Con la participación de: Dr. Norm Shealy