Replacement Therapy
Dr. Kyrin Dunston MD

In the realm of addressing declining hormones, a diverse array of treatment options exists, and hormone replacement therapy emerges as a compelling avenue worthy of consideration.

In this hopeful lesson, you will: ✓ Grasp a sophisticated understanding of various hormone replacement therapies, investigating the distinctions between chemical and bioidentical approaches. ✓ Navigate the landscape of safety considerations, exploring pertinent data, FDA approvals, and the practical application of hormone replacement therapy. ✓ Experience a thoughtful exploration of the long-term use of these therapies, gaining insights into associated risks and broadening perspectives on their application.

In the pursuit of treating hormonal imbalances, particularly hormone poverty, there is no need for shame. Instead, this lesson invites you to embrace the myriad possibilities available, encouraging you to engage with these options and walk toward hormonal abundance.

Home play: • Pick a day and set aside 30 minutes to research replacement therapies • Have a conversation with your doctor about key factors to support you in deciding the viability of this option.

Anfitrión: Dr. Kyrin Dunston, MD