The Science of the Future with Patrick Flanagan
Lisa Garr

Microcluster technology, MegaHydration and Nubian Titanium Alloy Pyramids: these are just a few of the remarkable discoveries research scientist Patrick Flanagan has made in his lifetime. In this mind-boggling interview, he sat down with Lisa Garr at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles to discuss his life’s work and his most recent cutting-edge discoveries.

Patrick Flanagan was a child prodigy in electronics who could read before he could talk. In 1952, he became a General Class Ham Radio Operator who designed and hand built all of his radio equipment. At 13, he invented the Neurophone which is a device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the brain. Life Magazine picked Flanagan as one of the top ten most promising upcoming scientists in the world in 1962.

Anfitrión: Lisa Garr
Con la participación de: Patrick Flanagan