Amazon John Easterling on Amazon Herbs

John Easterling (Amazon John) discusses how he first started an import business and how serious illness exposed him to the knowledge of a local medicine man and the incredible herbal concoctions that have been part of rainforest tribal life for centuries. He has been to the Amazon about 300 times and continues to help create the financial ability for the local tribes to survey, stake and ultimately own the forests that they have been living in. This results in some families owning 13,000 acres of lush bio-diverse land that can legally be kept from the logging and farming companies. Now, John helps the local people cultivate their land to provide sources of herbs rich in nutrients and vital to human health.

John’s company, The Amazon Herb Company, provides a circle of benefit that is truly inspiring. The money earned by Amazon Herbs is distributed to everyone involved in cultivating the herbs, distributing them and providing them to the public through independent distributors.

Présentateur: Regina Meredith
Avec: John Easterling