Battlefield Hauntings & Spirit Box App

What can we learn from communicating with ghosts of war to unravel haunted history and preserve peace for future generations?

Paranormal expert Courtney McInvale joins host George Noory to share her remarkable personal history of ghost encounters using a Spirit Box app. From her early introduction to the renowned ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warren in her haunted childhood home, McInvale has had a lifetime of paranormal experiences. A former federal agency worker, McInvale now offers haunted tours based on her fascination with history and mystery.

McInvale’s career as an author has informed her investigations into haunted battlefields like Gettysburg, and she describes speaking with the spirits of generals and soldiers who lost their lives in the Civil War. McInvale shares recordings from her Spirit Box app to demonstrate her communication with entities she understands to be ghosts.

Présentateur: George Noory
Avec: Courtney McInvale