Beyond Past Lives with Mira Kelley
Lisa Garr

What if our psyches knew everything we needed to know – our past and our future? And what if the deepest answers to our most important questions are locked inside of our psyches? Wouldn’t you want to find out how to get them? In this remarkable interview, Mira Kelley relates her own experiences with past life regression, and she describes how she teaches people to learn about where they’re going by looking at their past.

Mira Kelley grew up in Bulgaria, where at the age of 13 she had a powerful regression experience. Following her graduation from law school, Mira practiced as a corporate and securities attorney in a large law firm in New York City. A painful physical condition led Mira to rediscover the instantaneous emotional and physical healing available through regression, and now she assists people in transforming their own lives in this way. She is the author of Beyond Past Lives.

Présentateur: Lisa Garr
Avec: Mira Kelley