Bible Prophecies for the Modern World with Ken Klein

Many false prophets come and go, but the good ones have something special. They are well-grounded in history and understand the cyclical nature of time. Ken Klein, a Prophetic Investigator, has dedicated his life to studying prophesies from the Old Testament and knows what makes a good prophet. He explains that many of the modern trials we face, including chemtrails and GMOs, are part of long historical cycle that fulfills some of the most devastating prophecies from the Book of Revelations in this interview with George Noory.

The enigmatic Ken Klein, is no stranger to titanic battles. Ken, takes on life's greatest mysteries, rips the cover off and exposes them through his fascinating films, and books. His latest documentary film, The Great Pyramid – Lost Legend of Enoch, reveals one of the greatest enigmas and mysteries of all time: the Great Pyramid a prophecy written in stone. His next upcoming project, a made for Hollywood dramatic film, The Zamzumim Project, promises to be one of the more exciting action adventure movies seen in recent years.

Présentateur: George Noory
Avec: Ken Klein