The Book of Love: The Cathars and the Sacred Secret of Transforming Humans into Angels
William Henry

Is there more to the human form? William Henry discusses the ascension teaching of the Cathars of southern France and how it can help us activate the spiritual capability of our spiritual DNA and connect with the superluminal “light beyond light” that transforms us into angels on contact. Henry sources these teachings with the Essenes of Qumran and presents persuasive evidence that, like the Essenes, the Cathars understood themselves to be in the company of mystical angels. Transforming human beings into angels was their goal. A prophecy says the “Book of Love” would be discovered during our time. Its power would be so great that it would vanquish all anger, jealousy, and fear from our world. In this beautifully illustrated presentation, you’ll discover techniques for manifesting the Book of Love. For the first time, you’ll unlock the next best version of yourself by unraveling Cathar beliefs.

Présentateur: William Henry