Calming the Restless Mind with Steve Taylor
Lilou Macé

Braving the cold, Lilou sits with Steve Taylor, lecturer and author of seven books including, Back to Sanity, Out of Darkness, Waking from Sleep and The Fall. At a very young age, he became spiritually aware and has worked to integrate his spirituality into every aspect of his life. This has given him the unique perspective that collectively, there may be something not quite right with human beings. He calls it Humania and believes that it can be healed.

Humania is the constant restlessness of the mind, just on the surface. Underneath it all is a vast sea of endless stillness. We need to tame the surface, to heal the discord and maintain permanent contact with the stillness underneath. Taylor explains how this stillness, and connection to oneness, can be integrated into every aspect of your daily life.

Présentateur: Lilou Macé
Avec: Steve Taylor