Dark Forces of the Psychic Realm with Victor Paruta

Some people are more sensitive to psychic energy than others, and we can all learn to detect it. This energy is mostly positive, but it does have a negative dark side. Psychic investigator, Victor Paruta has encountered these negative forces many times and knows how you can clear and protect yourself from the dark forces of the psychic realm in this interview with George Noory.

Victor Paruta is one of Cincinnati's most trusted psychic mediums who is also a paranormal investigator and animal communicator. He teaches classes on psychic development, ghosts and hauntings, past lives and many other metaphysical topics at the Baker Hunt Art & Cultural Center in Covington, KY. Victor owned and operated the landmark New Age emporium Victory Books for over ten years.

Présentateur: George Noory
Avec: Victor Paruta