Day 12: Envision Vibrant Health
Jules Peláez

Today in the Cleanse: Vibrant Health

Paint a masterpiece in your mind – a clear vision of yourself in vibrant health. Perhaps you’ve never felt closer to this vision than you do today. The following guided visualization will help you to imagine your most radiant self and come face to face with who you truly are. In yoga philosophy, this experience is known as “Samapatti” and is the result of dedicated practice and self-study.

Cleanse Overview: Cleanse Packet:

Today’s Yoga Practice: Radiant You! Fiery Flow and Guided Visualization

Paint a masterpiece in your mind – a clear vision of yourself in vibrant health through a guided visualization after flowing through a fiery practice to sweat out any remaining toxins. It’s time to see yourself as the amazing person you truly are and will continue to become.

Props: block

ACTION STEPS Today ✓ Drink a Green Smoothie ✓ Drink Water X No sugar X No caffeine or alcohol X No gluten or soy X No dairy or eggs ✓ Find 30 minutes to complete today's yoga practice

Tomorrow ✓ Continue cleansing!

Enseignant: Jules Peláez