Day 4: Shop
Shannon Paige

Today in the Cleanse: Prep Yourself, Don’t Wreck Yourself The foundation for a successful cleanse is all in the prep work. Today, Jo and Jules walk you through the staple items you should always have on hand for clean eating, the Conscious Snack Pack, and tips to fill your fridge like a champ.

Cleanse Overview: Cleanse Packet:

Today’s Yoga Practice: Writing Your New Story Shannon Paige urges us to release old embodied patterns to make room for new, more efficient and empowered ways of navigating life as we set ourselves up for success on this journey. We start the day with a twisting practice designed to wring out old beliefs, harmful patterns, and physical toxins that keep us from shining at our fullest.


Today ✓ Grocery shopping day and build your Conscious Snack Pack ✓ Drink a Green Smoothie ✓ Drink water ✓ Find 22 minutes to complete today’s quick yoga practice

Tomorrow ✓ Continue to drink your green smoothie and water X No more sugar!

Enseignant: Shannon Paige