The End of Suffering: Invoking the Peacefulness with Thich Nhat Hanh

Many people fight for peace. Many people wish for peace. But there are few people on the planet who have embodied peace as tirelessly as the gentle Buddhist monk from Vietnam, Thich Nath Hanh. Known affectionately as Thay, this beloved spiritual icon has engaged in peacemaking through his many books and meditation retreats for more than 50 years.

Delivered as a chant by Phap Niem, and translated by Thay, this prayer is a poignant clarion call for peace, which has been heard by millions all over the world through this recording. Now, more than ever, let’s use the awakening power of beauty itself to strengthen not only global peace but also in our communities, and, most importantly, within ourselves – because only when we can “be the change” will we see the change.

As you take a few minutes to drop into stillness through breathing, beauty, and being, allow yourself to reconnect, recharge, and remember. May all beings be safe, happy, and free.

The Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist monk, poet, Nobel nominee, and the author of Being Peace, The Miracle of Mindfulness, and many other books.

Avec: Thich Nhat Hanh