Every Word Has Power with Yvonne Oswald Ph.D.
Lisa Garr

Do you want to learn how to clear a negative thought in minutes? Would you like to discover how to change your language in 21 days? Here’s your chance, because joining Lisa for this revealing interview, is Yvonne Oswald Ph.D., a very well respected communications expert. Yvonne pays careful attention to her words and thoughts, because, as she explains, one hundred percent of the words you say to yourself produce results.

Yvonne Oswald Ph.D., award-winning, best-selling author of Every Word has Power, now in ten languages, is at the leading edge of the new development field of Human Behavioral Technology. A council member of the Chamber of Chartered Behavioral Scientists International, Sri Lanka, Dr. Yvonne was voted 2010 Woman of Influence and Inspiration by the Government of Ontario. She is a renowned and respected International Keynote Speaker and Communications Trainer, and a Master Trainer of NLP and Hypnosis. Her U.S. National Awards include the Most Unique Contribution to the Field of Clinical Hypnosis (2012) for her work with changing self-talk.

Présentateur: Lisa Garr
Avec: Yvonne Oswald Ph.D.