The Five Levels of Attachment with don Miguel Ruiz, Sr., and don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.
Lisa Garr

Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., author of The Five Levels of Attachment, carries on the work of his father, don Miguel Ruiz, Sr., explaining how we attach ourselves inappropriately to beliefs that cause suffering. Don't miss Lisa Garr’s rare and fascinating interview with father and son.

Author of The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz, Sr., was born into a family of healers and raised in rural Mexico by a curandera (healer) mother and nagual (shaman) grandfather. He embraced his family's centuries old legacy of healing and is now known around the world for his teachings of esoteric Toltec knowledge.

Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. is a Nagual, a Toltec Master of Transformation. He is a direct descendant of the Toltecs of the Eagle Knight lineage and is the son of don Miguel Ruiz, Sr. By combining the wisdom of his family’s traditions with the knowledge gained from his own personal journey, he now helps others realize their own path to personal freedom.

Présentateur: Lisa Garr
Avec: don Miguel Ruiz, Sr., don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.