Foster & Kimberly Gamble on THRIVE: The Movie, The Movement
Lisa Garr

Foster and Kimberly Gamble are the husband-and-wife team that created the provocative and ground-breaking documentary, Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? As a young boy, Foster Gamble had an inquisitive personality that led him to envision a world scenario of a universal energy source. A direct descendant of the late James Gamble, a co-founder of Procter & Gamble, Foster is a lifelong seeker in the pursuit of knowledge. Not content with the current structure of power in the world and the massive global suffering, Foster Gamble set out to make a documentary that unveiled the true reality of our existence in the 21st century. Kimberly Carter Gamble is the co-founder and advisor for Clear Compass Media as well as the, producer, director and co-writer of Thrive. Kimberly brings a wealth of personal and professional experience to Clear Compass Media, and creating the Thrive movie called upon it all: as a former journalist, including for Newsweek International; a producer of large projects and events; as a lifelong activist for social justice; and as a mother and stepmother to nine children. Together, the filmmakers joined Lisa Garr for a fascinating conversation about the making of the documentary, their hopes for the film, and the reactions they’ve encountered thus far. From activism to free energy to advancements in healthcare, their film calls for a new paradigm shift of wellness for all. Keep an open mind and watchW the new age film Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take?

It took the Gambles eight years to make THRIVE, a wide-ranging, eye-opening, provocative and controversial documentary that identifies the forces that a few very wealthy families have arrayed to establish and maintain their control over the world’s banks, governments, and all of us. They have dedicated themselves to alerting humanity to the influence of these forces, as well as putting forward solutions to free ourselves. Watching this interview will surely provide much to think about.

Watch the full-length film Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take?.

Présentateur: Lisa Garr
Avec: Foster Gamble, Kimberly Gamble