George Kavassilas on Our Journey Home (Part 1)

In this first segment of a two-part interview, George Kavassilas talks about his early years, his abductions by extraterrestrials and his greater awareness and understanding of our universe, who we are and our journey home.

Kavassilas has always seen the world through different eyes than those around him. From a young age, he was aware that the universe was full of life, and could see and feel life around him more deeply than others. From the age of five, he has memories of being taken from his bed at night onto ships, and being taken to other places on the planet and to other worlds. His interactions with other beings on many different levels of realities have occurred throughout his life, experiences that have included both benevolent beings, which he calls his Greater Family, and malevolent others who have the ability to appear in many guises.

Présentateur: Regina Meredith
Avec: George Kavassilas