Guided to Your Divine Fire with Cyndi Dale
Lisa Garr

We all need more energy. The type that leads to more love, success, health, prosperity, and peace of mind. Subtle energy can provide an endless flow of goodness. Cyndi Dale, author, intuitive, and healer, has used her psychic gifts for the last 25 years to see into different realities and to provide intuitive and energy healing for thousands of people. She insists that everybody is equipped with a divine light, a divine fire, that allows us to access our higher self. She advises us on the many ways we can adapt this energy, receive guidance, and connect to spirit.

Cyndi Dale, author of Awaken Clairvoyant Energy, has long been a natural intuitive with a passion to helping people open their essential energy. In addition to her natural intuitive gifts, she is trained in shamanism, intuitive healing, energy healing, family of origin therapy, therapeutic touch, the Lakota way and faith healing and holds a fourth degree mastership in Reiki.

Présentateur: Lisa Garr
Avec: Cyndi Dale